A new Strategic Plan launched for cricket in Ireland will support Munster’s ambition to grow the game across the region.

21 August 2024: A new strategic plan 2024-2027 for cricket in Ireland has been unveiled following broad regional consultation with provincial unions including Munster Cricket. The plan addresses the growth and change experienced in the game over the past decade, embracing the rich diversity of players and fans.
With measures aimed at balancing club support with international ambition, particular areas of interest for clubs and players in Munster in the immediate term include:
*Return of a dedicated Club Fund to support facilities, programmes and more.
*Improving key domestic competitions to invigorate fan and player engagement.
*Encouraging inclusion, fair access and equal opportunities through initiatives aimed at ensuring positive experiences for all.
*Continued investment in participation programmes to grow children’s involvement.
*Cricket Ireland will host a Strategy Roadshow in partnership with Munster Cricket to meet with clubs and members about the initiatives and actions within the strategic plan. It will take place on 20th October- more details to follow.

Speaking about the plan, Munster Cricket General Manager, Joseph Moynihan said, “We welcome this new strategic plan and were glad to be involved in shaping its direction.
“There are a range of actions and measures which will help to level access and opportunity for our clubs and players in Munster.
“The past few years have been busy ones. We have made good strides with new clubs established and a growth in number. We have also had some big milestones achieved for the region with our first ever Women and Girls winter training programme this past winter and the first ever youth league in 2023.
“Our focus is to continue building on this, enhancing facilities, growing participation and ensuring we continue to strengthen cricket in Munster. We look forward to working together with Cricket Ireland to put this plan into action through our regional approach.”
Warren Deutrom, CEO, Cricket Ireland said: ” I’m grateful to everyone in the cricket community who shared their insights—this is a strategy we’ve built together, and it will come to life through our collective effort and teamwork. We look forward to our Strategy Roadshow in Munster where we will meet with clubs to discuss the actions, measures, resources, and support they can expect from this plan.”
Key Highlights in 2024:
Built around five key pillars the strategy is focused on: growing the game, performing on the world stage, creating an engaged sport, building strong foundations, and working together.
Club Fund: Budget has been allocated for a dedicated Club Fund, which will assist with equipment, facilities and inclusive participation projects, helping clubs to better serve their members and grow the game. Full detail will be shared in late September.
Inter-Provincial & Super Series: Cricket Ireland will work closely with Provincial Unions to enhance impact and reach of these crucial domestic competitions which are vital for talent identification, club connection and fan engagement.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI): Inclusion is essential for the sport’s long-term success. It ensures the game thrives by encouraging broad participation and providing fair access and opportunities for all. Implementing a comprehensive game-wide EDI strategy is a top priority. Key focus areas include promoting gender equality in women’s and girls’ cricket, fostering cultural awareness, and improving inclusive practices through enhanced processes and policies.
Participation Programmes: Investing in and evolving key participation programmes for children in each province including Smash It and It’s Wicket! to further support continued growth at youth level.
World-class cricket infrastructure: A key priority within our strategic plan is to elevate Ireland’s cricket infrastructure with world-class facilities. As an International Cricket Council (ICC) member we are committed to supporting the delivery of multiple projects to support the growth and success of cricket in Ireland.
For more information contact: manager@munstercricket.ie
STRATEGY: Five Key Pillars – Highlights
Growing the game: We will work together to strengthen cricket in our Clubs, Schools and Communities by delivering high-quality programmes, and increasing access and opportunity for all
Performing on the world stage: We will create high quality structures, competitions and environments that produce winning international teams which inspire the next generation of players, coaches and officials
Creating an engaged sport: We will attract fans to the game and inspire a lifelong love of cricket through great experiences.
Building strong foundations: We will focus on delivering increased and sustainable revenue streams supported by investment in our people, facilities, systems and processes.
Working together: We will adopt or extend sustainable ways of working that will support the long-term health and growth of the game.