The Munster Cricket Union is dedicated to bringing cricket to schools across the province, offering opportunities at both primary and secondary levels. Our outreach initiatives include taster sessions that introduce students to the excitement of the game, as well as comprehensive multi-week programmes that support both students and teachers in learning the cricket curriculum. Additionally, the Transition Year Programme provides students with hands-on experience in skills development, leadership, coaching, and game play, culminating in a certification upon completion of the course. With three dedicated Development Officers in Munster, we are able to travel and present sessions to schools from Tralee to Waterford, and Cork to Nenagh. Reach out to us if you would like cricket in YOUR school!

The purpose of taster sessions is to introduce the sport to students and teachers who may not have experienced cricket before. As the children progress through the programme, we introduce blitzes and competitive matches with other schools. Our goal is to develop a schools league and give the students to enjoy the inclusive nature of our sport. Cricket really is a sport for all ages and abilities!

Primary School
Primary Taster Session or Catch Up Session (Free)
Our first visit to a school! 45 minute session to introduce children to the game of cricket. We engage with teachers and students from 1st class-6th class. Our School and Club Engagement Officers (SCEO) deliver the session and leave registration information school for follow up and booking as appropriate. A free ‘Catch Up’ session is also available to schools that complete one of the programmes as described below.
Primary Introductory Cricket Module 4+1
Introductory 4 week modular cricket programme, 45 minute sessions x 4 (3 hours). 4 week programme including a blitz day at course completion when practicable. Children are guided through the basic skills of cricket, including batting, bowling, and fielding, and how to play a match. Our SCEOs engage with relevant teachers to train as Activators to help further their skill base and enable them to deliver cricket sessions to their students as desired! Suitable for 1st Class-6th class. Activator training for teachers is an ideal way to fulfil CPD requirements.
Equipment left in situ: School cricket kit*.
Cost: €200 per school programme
Primary Follow up Cricket Module 4+1
Follow up 4 week modular cricket programme to solidify relationship with the school and encourage both student and teacher participation. 4 week advanced programme with emphasis on skills and tactics to better understand the game. Blitz day at course completion when practicable. Options include an internal blitz or an inter-school competition. We will continue to engage with relevant teachers and mentor their own skills base and understanding of cricket. Automatic inclusion in proposed InterSchool league.
Cost: €200 per school programme
Primary Activity Weeks/Events
Engage with schools and ascertain when they have sports weeks/community activities. SCEOs can provide taster sessions within the setting of school-based activity weeks or events.
Secondary School
Secondary Taster Session or catch up session (Free)
First visit to a non-cricket school, or school that has not conducted cricket sessions for some time. We will actively engage with teachers and students of all years within the school environment. Our School and Club Engagement Officers (SCEO) deliver the session and leave registration information school for follow up and booking as appropriate. A free ‘Catch Up’ session is also available to schools that complete one of the programmes as described below.
Secondary Introductory Cricket Module 4+1
Introductory 4 week modular cricket programme. 4 week programme plus blitz day at course completion when practicable. Children are guided through the basic skills of cricket, including batting, bowling, and fielding, and how to play a match. Our SCEOs engage with relevant teachers to train as Activators to help further their skill base and enable them to deliver cricket sessions to their students as desired! Suitable for all classes. Activator training for teachers is an ideal way to fulfil CPD requirements.
Equipment left in situ: School cricket kit*
Cost: €200 per school programme
Secondary Follow up Cricket Module 4+1
Advanced 4 week modular cricket programme plus blitz day at course completion when practicable. Advanced skills, techniques, tactics, field positions and gameplay. Introduction to scoring and umpiring as applicable. Our SCEOs will mentor teachers who have become Activators and will then have the ability to self-manage ongoing cricket sessions/ participate in proposed inter-school league.
Cost: €200 per school programme
Secondary Activity Weeks/Events
Engage with schools and ascertain when sports weeks/community activities are held. SCEOs can provide taster sessions within the setting of school-based activity weeks, festivals, community events or other gatherings.
Transition Year Programmes
6 week modular cricket programme taking TY students through Activator training. 6 week programme using Smash It/It’s Wicket! Assets and online training. An excellent programme that introduces students to leadership, game skills, technical components and how to help coach children. There is an online element to this course that leads to students being awarded the Cricket Ireland Activator certificate to show they have completed the programme successfully. Our SCEOs will mentor relevant teachers to train as Activators and have the ability to deliver cricket sessions going forward. Automatic inclusion in the proposed Interschool league that will see cricket become established on the PE curriculum in Munster!
Cost profile: €25 per participating student. Minimum of 12 Transition Year students to constitute a course. School invoiced prior to commencement of the programe delivery.